Friday, 28 August 2015


le VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it illegal for any employer to discrimminate against an individual on the basis of his/her religion. It is important for everyone of us to know the law and our legal rights concerning our beliefs. Here are some important tips and guidelines to follow that pertain to Spiritual Satanists: 1. If you ever find yourself incarcrated (in jail) ANYWHERE, keep your beliefs to yourself. The authorities in these places, like it or not, DO have it over on you and can do as they please with you for as long as you remain in custody. 2. In these places, a counselor or psychologist will more than likely interview you. Keep it simple. Sound as though you are a sheep and conform. These individuals do not and will not recognize psychic phenomena, spirituality (unless it is moderate and MAINSTREAM, ie, xianity, judaism, islam). Most are trained as atheists or are xtians and openly discussing your beliefs, practices or gifted abilities will result in a full psychiatric evaluation. 3. Coming to the attention of a psychiatrist M.D., will result in being labeled as insane, given psychiatric drugs against your will (they can put them in your food) and you will be sent to a psychiatric ward, to be incarcerated there. Any little thing you do or say there will label you insane, unless you act as though you completely conform. 4. As for black magick, the burning days are over. The authority labels this sort of thing as bunk, on the lunatic fringe and does not recognize such phenomena. BUT, DO NOT make threats to anyone. Making threats of any kind IS illegal. If you wish to place a curse on someone, keep this to yourself and DO IT, don't talk or brag about it BEFOREHAND, as they can get you on MAKING THREATS, HARASSMENT and INTIMIDATION. When the damage is done, they can't do a fucking thing. CONCERNING EMPLOYMENT: Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers in the US are prohibited from from discriminating against individuals because of their religion in hiring, firing, and other terms and conditions of employment. It also requires employers to reasonably accommodate the religious practices of an employee, unless to do so would create an undue hardship on the employer. You have the right to practice your religion to the same level as everyone else in your workplace. Everyone should ask his/her Human Resources personnel or other representatives for a copy of your employers policy regarding religion in the workplace. There are many places who do not have this, but in places that do, this is a major help. Read it thoroughly and keep it in a safe place at home. Basic Rights include: Holiday Observances - unless an employer can prove that it will cause undue hardship, they must allow observances of religious holidays. Employers are also restricted from inquiring about an employee's future availability at certain times. Dress Code - employers may not maintain a restrictive dress code in direct conflict with an employee's religious obligations. Discrimination - it is illegal for an employer to fire or refuse to hire an employee based solely on their religion. It is also illegal for employees to be passed over for promotion, excluded from special training programs, or demoted for religious reasons. In 1997, Pres. Clinton issued guidelines for federal employees (government workers) regarding religion in the workplace. Although they are only applicable to federal workers, these guidelines have been used by many business as a framework for their own religious policies. The guidelines include: Expression in Private Work Areas - Religious expressions in areas not open to the public are respected in the same way that non religious expressions are allowed. Specifically, members are allowed to have religious literature at their desks and include religious icons or posters in their work area.* *Now this is for federal employees in the USA and may not apply to most private industry jobs. Expression Among Fellow Employees: Employees are entitled to discuss their religious views privately, as long as those views are not harassing to fellow workers. They are also entitled to display religious messages on clothing, an wear religious medallions or jewelry outside of their clothing. Coercion of Employees - a supervisor is not permitted to use his or her position of authority to coerce employees to change their behavior regarding religion. Supervisors are not allowed to require employee attendance at religious events or use religious factors to determine an employee's status in the company. Harassment - employees are protected from the use of repeated derogatory or inflammatory comments about their religion, whether by supervisors or fellow employees. This includes repeated harassment or unwelcome proselytization, exclusion of the employee from work groups, or repeated verbal attacks. Unfortunately, harassment and discrimination do exist in the workplace despite the guidelines and laws passed in the USA. PROTECT YOURSELF FROM HARASSMENT: According to a 1997 survey, the most common religion related problems in US workplaces were proselytizing and religious harassment. No one should be forced to contend with a hostile work environment, yet many of alternative faiths 'take it' daily, fearing reprisals or firing should they speak up. By taking a few precautions, you can excercise your rights to religious expression without fear of reprisal from supervisors or coworkers. Your EO Officer - Most larger firms employ an Equal Opportunity Officer. This person is in charge of making sure that the company complies with all of the EEOC guidelines and regulations. If you practice a minority religion, or one that is often misunderstood by the general public, make sure that your EO officer understands the facts about your faith BEFORE any problems arise. "Good Employee" - the most common ruse to rid a workplace of an unwanted employee is "poor performance". Make sure that you're prepared! If you receive notes or post-it notes commending your work, keep them in a file with the date and nature of the work. Keep your awards and commendations, along with dates. Keep these at home and in a safe place. If you are fired for poor performance, your file will be invaluable in proving your case. Pocket Journal - if someone makes a rude or derogatory comment about your faith, write it down in a small notebook, along with the date, time, place, and any witnesses to the conversation. Not only will it discourage harassment, but you will also have a record of repeated offenses should you ever need to complain to your superiors. Keep a backup copy at home in a safe place. Religious expression in the office is a balance between faith and business. Don't attempt to make your work area into a "temple away from home". Use coworkers examples and office policy to determine what you should, or shouldn't, place on your desk and walls. Don't Apologize - you have the right to your beliefs. If someone starts a religious discussion that you don't like, tell them politely that you aren't interested. Xtains stating they will "pray" for you is harrassment and intimidation in legal terms on the job. If they persist, inform them of your civil rights and refer them to the EEOC guidelines on religion in the workplace. If that doesn't work, report them to a superior. Remember to keep a record of all of the details- names of everyone concerned, date, time, place, etc. Sometimes, even the strongest warnings and complaints have little or no effect on discrimination. In that case, you may need to report your employer to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) LINK the government agency charged with protecting your civil rights. Charges of discrimination based on religion MUST be filed within 180 days of the incident. Charges may be filed in person, by mail or by telephone by contacting the nearest EEOC office. If there is not an EEOC office in the immediate area, call toll free 800-669-4000 or 800-669-6820 (TDD) for more information. Facts About Religious Discrimination LINK RIGHTS FOR KIDS AND TEENS ATTENDING PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN THE USA: For those of you who attend public schools in the USA, the constitution protects you and enforces seperation of church and state. Many schools, especially in the area known as the "bible belt" will try any way they can to get around these laws. It is important to keep a record, same as adults who are facing discrimmination in the workplace. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says that everyone in the United States has the right to practice his or her own religion, or no religion at all. It is important to know your rights. People who violate these rights are breaking the law and are subject to disciplinary measures same as anyone else. It is important not to just let it go, or look the other way. If everyone ignored violations of their civil rights, no one would be free. Xtians are notorious for coercing their religious beliefs upon kids and teens; using fear, bribes and all kinds of other unethical tactics to snare young minds. In a public school setting, THIS IS ILLEGAL!! IT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO TEACH RELIGION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Public schools are run by the government and funded by the tax payers. They must obey the First Amendment. This means that while they can teach ABOUT the influences of religion in history, literature and philosophy, BUT, they can't PROMOTE religious beliefs or practices as part of the school curriculum. Since private and parochial schools aren't run by the government, the First Amendment doesn't apply to them. Students have the legal right to be excused from some school activities if they conflict with their religious beliefs. A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER IS FORBIDDEN FROM STARTING THE DAY OR A MEETING WITH PRAYER Any prayers, scriptural readings and loudspeaker devotionals violate the First Amendment because they PROMOTE RELIGION. This is true even if the prayer is "non-denominational" (not of any particular religion.) Moments of silence might be unconstitutional -- it depends on whether or not the real reason they're being held is to encourage prayer. STUDENT LED PRAYER IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL AS WELL. Individual students have the right to pray whenever they want to, as long as they don't disrupt classroom instruction or other educational activities; or try to force others to pray along with them. If a school official has told you that you can't pray at all during the school day, your right to exercise your religion is being violated. If you feel your rights are being violated, the first step is to discuss this with a school counselor or principal. If there are more than one of you, there is strength in numbers and you should all go together. If nothing is done or the person in authority tries to soft soap, aviod or make excuses for the issue, warn them you will take this to a higher level if something is not done immediately. The school board, district, ACLU... Most public schools provide a handbook at the beginning of the year for their attending students and it is important to read this and use it if necessary. Unfortunately, most people believe what they are told concerning Satanic practices from our enemies. Inform your superiors that you are law abiding and know your legal rights and should receive the same level of respect as anyone else. Anything less is discrimination. For more information concerning students' religious rights in public schools: ACLU: Students' Rights

Thursday, 27 August 2015


Communism is the Jewish political twin of Christianity. On the other hand, Christianity of any persuasion cannot be reconciled with true National Socialism. National Socialism is Satanism's political twin. During the time of Hitler and the Nazis, "Satanism" was called "Paganism." Back then, it was rare that Satanism was called Satanism, due to the power the Christian Churches held back then. Everything in the Christian faith is at odds with Nazism, as Nazism follows Nature's Eternal Laws [Satan's Laws], while Christianity follows a totally unnatural form of government and useless pseudo-metaphysics. Everything that the Christian religion believes to be "spiritual" is simply pure Jewish materialism without anything spiritual about it. Like Communism, Christianity was the Jewish tool used by the Jews to remove all true spirituality. There are a few deluded idiots who cannot see this, but the plain, unpainted truth is that Communism/Marxism/Bolshevism and Christianity are inseparable. One doesn't have to believe in Christ to be a Christian at heart, just like one doesn't have to be an active member of the Communist Party to be a good Communist. Those people who find it easier to gravitate towards Communism are more prone to Christianity and Christian principles, rather than of National Socialism, which is of Satan. National Socialism isn't anything new, nor was it merely an invention of the 20th Century C.E. It is of Satan and the Powers of Hell [ORION/ARYAN]. Nazism is as old as ancient pre-Christian Paganism itself, as it is the government of Nature and her infinite wisdom. As High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has noted, "Satanism" is a collective label for the Gentle pre-Christian Pagan religions, and that Christianity is therefore, a reaction to Satanism. In more recent events of Gentile history, it was Adolf Hitler who resurrected the politics and the spirit of Nordic/Aryan Paganism, which is thousands upon thousands of years older than Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and is today known as Satanism. With the quotes listed below, you will see that there is no such thing as an "Aryan Christianity," nor is there any such thing as a Satanism that tolerates the Jews in any way, as Jews and Gentiles have ALWAYS been cosmic enemies, and it's either us or them in this war. A "Satanist" who has any tolerance towards the Jews is like a "Satanist" adores the Pentecostal Church. You cannot mix water with electricity without a hazard; hence why Satan has a zero-tolerance policy towards the Chosen of "God." All of the quotes used in this sermon come from the book The Swastika Against the Cross by Bruce Walker. My words are in brackets. "The political victory can only follow if the fight is concentrated against the fewest possible enemies -- for the time being, the Marxists and the Jews. Then will come the Reaktion, and the end of that will mean the end of the Christian Church... Whether it's the Old Testament or the New, or simply the sayings of's all the same Jewish swindle... We are not out against the hundred and one different kinds of Christianity, but against Christianity itself." -- Adolf Hitler "Jesus Christ was only a man, and a Jew to boot. Why shouldn't I, who am more powerful than Christ, and who am able to be much more helpful than he -- why shouldn't I have the right to establish a new dogma for the Church?" "I must, therefore, eliminate any kind of sickness, and I consider the sentimental feeling for Christianity as a kind of mental sickness." -- Adolf Hitler "Nazis in general considered Christianity a "soul malady," "foreign" [alien], and "unnatural." Heinrich Himmler despised Christianity and members of the SS had to renounce their Christian faith and formally become agnostic in order to become a member of the Schutzstaffel. Himmler wrote: "How different is yon Pale Figure on the Cross, whose passivity and emphasized suffering expressed only humility and self-abnegation, qualities which our heroic blood utterly deny... The corruption of our blood by the intrusion of this alien philosophy must be ended." "The Judenfibel, a schoolbook filled with hatred towards Jews which was used to teach in Nazified German schools, not only attacks Jews, but states: "The teaching of mercy and love for one's neighbor is foreign to the German race and the Sermon on the Mount is, according to Nordic sentiment, an ethic for cowards and idiots." "Hatred of Jews and hatred of Christians went hand in hand with the Nazis... Nordland, a Nazi magazine, called the Sermon on the Mount "the first Bolshevist manifesto." [The Nazis also committed the "unpardonable sin" against the Christian religion: the denial of the "holy ghost." They viewed Christianity of any and all denominations as being just as much of the enemy as Judaism itself]. "University Nazis in Keil wrote in 1935: "We Germans are heathens and want no more Jewish religion in our Germany. We no longer believe in the Holy Ghost; we believe in the Holy Blood." [Gentiles carry Satan's sacred bloodline that must be preserved. This is an important part of Satanism for each Gentile race]. "Nazis published books with names like "Jesus Never Lived" and pamphlets that said "If Jehovah has lost all meaning for us Germans, the same must be said of Jesus Christ, his son... He certainly lacks those characteristics which he would require to be a true German. Indeed, he is as disappointing, if we read his record careful, as is his father." "Jacob Marcus in his 1934 book by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations notes that "Though his parents were Catholics, Hitler himself has apparently no interest in any organized religion"... Marcus also has an entire section in his book about Nazi "anti-Christian anti-Semitisim" which points out (as many other authors did) that hatred of Jews and of Christians were inseparably linked..." "I insist on the certainty that sooner or later, once we hold power, Christianity will be overcome. Of course, I myself am a heathen to the bone." -- Adolf Hitler "In 1940, M.W. Fodor, in his book, The Revolution is On! writes that "National Socialism also revived the persecution of the churches, surpassing all other revolutions in its anti-clerical attitude. The 'godless' in Russia have enormous organization, but there were only a few instances of organized violation of the sanctity of the churches. In Germany not only Christians but Christianity is being persecuted." [So-called "Positive Christianity" was a means to an end of Christianity. The removal of the crucifix and the removal of the name "Christ" from everything, as well as the restrictions against Christian worship, in favor of Wotan/Odin/Satan and his Demons/the Nordic Gods is hardly Christian. "Positive Christianity" was a TEMPORARY program to ween the Germans off of Christianity altogether and return to the natural ways of Paganism [as has been written about by Catholic and Christian priests during the 1930's to 1940's], which today is called Satanism. The Swastika, the oldest solar symbol of the Aryan Pagan tribes, replaced the Nazarene's cross, which marks a Jewish religion that is less than 1,000 years old. The Catholic Church, which is the Jewish seed of the Christian faith, dealt constant blows from the Nazis. However, since the Nazis hated Christianity altogether, the Protestants were beaten down just as hard. The Nazi Party chose certain members to pretend to be Christians for a time in the Christian Churches in order to have the Gestapo arrest as many real Christians as possible]. "What happened to Catholics happened to Protestants: The Deutsche Christen, or "German Christian" movement sponsored by the Nazis to oppress real Christianity, as Power wrote concerning early 1933: "Not long later the state seized the opportunity to appoint a Dr. Jaeger, a fervent follower of the Deutsche Christen, as head of the Evangelical Church in Prussia 'to restore order.' This he did by importing numbers of secret police and arresting a number of pastors." "In Prussia, the largest state by far in Germany, the Nazi response to serious Christians was almost from the beginning to call in the Gestapo." "What sorts of things did Christian clergy endure early in the Nazi regime? In 1935, Schuster wrote: "Recourse was had to a veritable reign of terror, the history of which cannot yet be written. Throughout Germany, orthodox pastors and their congregations were harassed by secret police and bands of S.A. Even funeral processions were broken up, and violence was witnessed even in the very houses of worship." "Black wrote that: "...The Reich has not limited its anti-Christianity to official pronouncements. Schools, hospitals, and other institutions of the Church are being confiscated; a 'religious' instruction based on Germanic neo-paganism is being introduced; and the elimination of Christian influence from the education of the youth, and from the cultural life of the German people is continuing apace. In February 1936, nearly all the leaders of the Catholic Young Men's Association of Germany were arrested on the charge of having organized in cooperation with the Communist Party a secret plot against Hitler." [Adolf Hitler was Pagan/Satanic; NOT "Christian!" The reason why some confused individuals have come to the conclusion that Hitler was a "Christian" is because if the Nazis hadn't hidden the information about their actions against Christianity to the outside world, nor paid occasional "lip service" to Christianity, which was more powerful at that time than it is now, their foreign relations would have been greatly jeopardized. Being against the Jews is not "Christian" by any stretch of the imagination, and this scares the life out of some people who think they are "Satanists" but sympathize with the Jews. The Christian Bible is filled with hatred towards non-Jews and it contains dire warnings against "persecuting" [extracting justice from] the Chosen of "God." The Jews who play both sides to everything imaginable, work to confuse the "Goyim" in every possible way. The Jews who pretend to be "victims" of Christianity are a prime example of playing the the role of victim of the very kosher institutions that they created in the first place. On the other side, other Jews will admit that so-called "anti-Semitism" is against Christ and his kike scumbag teachings]. "On November 4, 1936, the Nazis ordered the removal of crucifixes from schools in the Oldenburg area on the grounds that these were "symbols of superstition." This order was rescinded only after Nazis were faced with determined local opposition. Then, in what would become a typical practice, despite rescinding the Nazi prohibition of these "symbols of superstition," in December 1936 Nazi bureaucrats simply removed crucifixes anyway in Munsterland. When Christians replaced them in some schools, they were arrested by the Nazis." "...Nazis smeared excrement on church altars and church doors, desecrated shrines, and threw statues of saints into dung piles; and when synagogues were not available to attack and loot, churches were often the target with Nazis yelling: "Down with Christians and Jews!" [For the record, the Nazis didn't only attack the Christian Churches, but the whole Christian religion from top to bottom. For Christian Identity people out there who don't believe in "Judeo-Christianity" but a Christianity that is separated from the "Judeo," you will be in for a rude awakening when the Fourth Reich is established. As I have repeated many times in this sermon, the Nazis were against Christianity itself, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to de-Judaify Christianity]. "What sort of things did the Hitlerjugend teach about Christianity? Power reports that the lines handed out to Hitler Youth teaches which he saw included: "Christianity is a religion of slaves and fools." "How did Christ die? Whining at the Cross!" "The Ten Commandments represent the lowest instincts of man," and "Christianity is merely a cloak for Judaism." [In closing, the facts contained in that last quote fly in the face of the anti-Nazi zealots who try to say that the Nazis taught the Hitler Youth to "hate the Jews for killing Christ." Since being against the Jews comes from Satan, their Adversary, what does the Christian "God" have to say about the Jews? "For you are a people holy to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you [Jews] to be a people for his own possession, out of all the peoples that are on the face of the earth" (Deuteronomy 7:6). "For the LORD's portion is his people [Jews], Jacob his allotted heritage. He found him in a desert land, and in the howling waste of the wilderness; he encircled him, he cared for him, he kept him as the apple of his eye" (Deuteronomy 32:9-10). "For thus said the LORD of hosts...he who touches you [kikes] touches the apple of [my] eye" (Zecharia 2:8). [Christ speaking]: "Salvation is from the Jews" (Matthew 4:22). The "God" of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is beyond any doubt a Jewish supremacist, and hatred towards and the desire for vengeance from the Jews only come natural to the Satanist who is indeed a real Satanist]. Reference: The Swastika Against the Cross by Bruce Walker Informative Links: Primordial Buddhism sermon by High Priest Don Danko/Mageson discusses the connection between Odin and Satan. Go to the Joy of Satan Newsletter page and type in "Primordial Buddhism" and you will find it in the archive. or


There are many Satanists who mistakenly believe "shemhamephorash and its variant spelling "shemhameforash"" mean "Hail Satan." This sort of thing has been promoted by Anton LaVey's Church of Satan, and is no different from their version of the Hebrew letters surrounding the Baphomet [the circle traditionally, when surrounding something, has been used to bind]. The "Leviathan" is a Hebrew word for Hebrew power. Psalm 74:14 Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness. The above verse is symbolic of the power the Hebrews received from their "God." In addition, the Hebrew name "Levi" like "Cohen" is exalted in Hebrew in the way of being descended from the Levi [Jewish priestly] tribe, and being given special duties in the Hebrew temple. The word "Shemhamephorash" is not Satanic, this is stupidity. "Shem," "Ham" and "Japheth" were sons of the biblical "Noah." Any idiot can see the connection. Genesis 5: 32 gives Noah's sons in the exact order as the wording of the "Shemhamphorash." "And Noah was five hundred years old: and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth." Like everything else in the bible, the story of "Ziusudra" was stolen, corrupted and with this corruption, the name "Noah" replaced "Ziusudra." The name "Noah" is false and represents the enemy "God." Also, we can see this is a Judeo version of the "trinity." "Shemhamephorash" "The 72 part name of God." A divine name of 216 letters derived from Exodus 14: 19-21. Each of the three verses used contains 72 letters which are then arranged in boustrophedon to produce the 72 syllables of the name."¹ Shemhamephorash was eventually condensed to YHWH, the Hebrew version of the tetragrammaton*- meaning the Judeo/Christian "God." Exodus 14: 14:19 And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them: 14:20 And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these: so that the one came not near the other all the night. 14:21 And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. To obtain the name- the three verses are written in Hebrew with alternating lines in opposite directions, giving 72 columns of 3 letters each. These 72 three letter names are regarded to amplify the powers of the tetragrammaton and are divided into four groups of 18, each division ruled by one of the four letters of the name YHVH. ² Coming from the Hebrew rabbis: "Hebrew for tetragrammaton, which in Greek means 'the four letters;' YHVH- those constituting the mystic name of God." ³ The name of "God" in the Jewish religion is deemed so holy and sacred, it is not to be spoken and it is kept secret. Its pronunciation is considered in the Jewish tradition to be an unforgivable sacrilege. YHVH- the English equivalent of the Hebrew letters Yod He Vau He. Outside of the temple, it is pronounced "Adonai" [Adoshem-'my lord'].4 Christians, most of whom have an inadequate knowledge of Hebrew punctuation and vowel phonetics, substituted for it, beginning with the year 1518, a distorted form of Yahveh; namely "Jehova." 5 Other aliases of this Hebrew "God" include: When he sits in judgement on the human race: "Elohim" When he "wars" on evildoers: "Zebaot" When he recalls man's sins: "El Shaddai" My Lord: "Adonai" Most High God: "El Elion" Creator: "Ha-Boreh" God of Israel: "Elohe Yisrael" God the strong one/God the hero: "El Ha-Gibbor Yaweh, the god of armies (in English- the lord of hosts): Yahveh Elohai Zebaot Holy one of Israel: Tsur Yisrael The place (omnipresent): Ha-Makom Infinite one of the kabbalah: "En Sof" *The Hebrew version of the tetragrammaton translates into the "holy ineffible name of [the Judeo/Christian] "God," YHVH/JHVH also Yaweh, Jehova. The name YHVH/JHVH literally means, "he is." 6 This "YHVH/JHVH" is a corruption and a blasphemy of the true tetragrammaton, which are certain points upon the soul. The reason I have gone into so much detail is people need to get educated about this. KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE SAYING BEFORE YOU SAY IT! Instead of saying "Hail Satan" one is, when saying "shemhamephorash," saying "Hail Yaweh." This is due to ignorance and stupidity on the part of those who promote it. ¹ The Magician's Companion, A Practical & Encyclopedic Guide to Magical & Religious Symbolism ©1993; Second Edition, sixth printing, 2001 page 539 ² Ibid, page 289 ³The Handbook of Jewish Knowledge by Nathan Ausubel ©1964 page 401 4Ibid 5Ibid, page 402 6Ibid, page 184

Wednesday, 26 August 2015


Ghosts are souls that have not moved on and remain trapped on the astral. Most ghosts are NOT just 'empty shells' like the jewish mysticism crap tries to preach. Most ghosts have emotions, their personalities are intact, and all are consciously aware. The soul is like water and takes on the shape/appearance of the body it has lived in. Ghosts can be trapped for a number of reasons. Most are not at rest, like there are still major issues they have that they will just not leave. People who meditate and have strong souls stand out like a beacon on the astral. I remember years ago, a friend of my son's and her husband got a reading from me in a busy restaurant at daytime. She is psychic as well. She had a live-in ghost who had befriended her son [who was only 5 years old at that time]. This ghost also followed her to her new house when the family moved. All of a sudden, right in the middle of her telling me of him, she said 'he is here.' Of course, he went right for me and entered me and began speaking through me. He died from alcoholism in the early 1950's in that first house they lived in, was very lonely and befriended her son, who could see him and communicate with him clearly. He was very concerned that they might reject him and assured everyone [through his communication through me] that he would never hurt anyone. I saw the room where he died and the bed he died in. After the reading and communication was over, she told me that she had a couple of other psychics come to her home and both said the same thing that I did. Now, there are levels of ghosts. Level one ghosts and level two ghosts. Level one ghosts are like the ghost I wrote of above. They can be sensed by average people who are a bit more open at the soul and by children who are open enough to see and sense them. These ghosts do not have much power and are often spiritual victims. They have different reasons for not moving on. These can include being murdered, especially in cases where the murderer is not caught, and/or the body is not found, or in other unusual or peculiar circumstances that were involved in their death. The soul is not at rest. Often though, the body is not found or is not buried where the soul wants it to be buried. Death could have also occurred by accident. The person may have gone missing and is trying to tell family that they are dead. There are even some who don't even know they are dead. My son had befriended two brothers. This was very sad. The younger brother [in his late teens] was of small stature. His girlfriend woke up in the morning after a night of heavy partying with him and found him stiff and cold and totally dead- from fatal alcohol poisoning. The next day, I tuned into him and he didn't even know he was dead and was wondering why I bothered to contact him. Sometimes a ghost will try to communicate something they feel important before they move on. This can happen within a week after their death. They then move on after a few days. My uncle [who was a weak soul] tried to communicate with me and my mother a long time ago. This sort of freaked me because I was an atheist at the time and didn't want to deal with it as I didn't believe in a soul or anything like that, but when my mother said she also felt him, but tuned him out, I knew it was real. He connected with my by my seeing his death in the obituary section of the newspaper. There was a specific personal reason involving another relative of mine. Ok, now- there are what are known as 'level two ghosts.' These are something else. These souls are much more rare than the others I just wrote about. These were already powerful sorcerers and witches when living, and WHO KNOW THEY ARE DEAD - poltergeists and those who can cause all sorts of mayhem and havoc in certain places. Some can even move objects, inflict injuries, cuts and such on living beings- both humans and animals. They are blatant and most people, even those who are not psychic can sense their presence. Water energy is cold and of death in many cases. Places where there have been violent deaths, there are often water problems, usually in the form of inexplicable leaks. © Copyright 2011, 2013, Joy of Satan Ministries; Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

Death, Hell & the Afterlife

Many people are understandably frightened in regards to "Hell" being a place of torture, eternal damnation, and fiery torment. Personally, since coming to Satan, I have had extensive experience both in working with human souls who have passed from this earth, and in seeing Satan's Hell which is a safe place for the souls who are there. In contrast to souls who go to the light when leaving their physical bodies through death; Satan is responsible and protective. He sends Demons to escort Satanic souls to Hell. This is to ensure these souls will be protected from the light, which is of the enemy. In addition to working with many different Demons, Satan has had me work with human spirits. Though their physical bodies are dead, they are very much alive and do not like being referred to as "dead." I am talking those of importance in Hell. Most spirits who have resided in Hell, have reincarnated. Some are still there for specific reasons. I can tell you, Satan's Hell is not some place of fire and brimstone, but a safe haven for souls who are of Satan. There is another place- the Christian "Hell" where Christian believers who fall short, wind up. This is where the horror stories come from and angels have taken some unfortunate individuals on a personal tour of this, as they are human hating. This place of torment is not of Satan, but is and was created by the Judeo/Christian "God." Those who tie into Christian beliefs and energies are all vulnerable: Matthew 25: 41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels The truth regarding the light seen by many in death and with near death experiences can be explained. The following quote taken from the Luciferian Liberation Front website article "Jesus of Borg" is quite accurate in many respects. Human souls are harvested by advanced extra-terrestrials for energy. These souls are "judged" according to how malleable they are. With any powers of the mind, energy must conform to the will of the operator in order for the working/s to be effective. Any resistance makes the soul unfit. Many believers who are deemed unfit are cast into torture and damnation. Quote: "When we dissect the cube of heaven we see that it is constructed like a living cell with its own system of energy circulation and metabolism. From all appearances, it is a giant solar battery/generator which allows the ONE mind of the collective G.O.D. to be able to feed off the life essences of the enslaved souls held within its "temple pillars" and redirect their energies according to the will of the ONE. When a human being dies, his life essence, spirit, or soul is scanned by the Soul Collectors who patrol the dimension between physical time/space and the finer dimension of subspace and these Collectors project an image before the just deceased soul of a life form that will be recognizable to the deceased, such as a relative or friend who had died before they had (a grandmother, religious figure, etc.). In this manner, the Soul Collector is able to get the newly deceased soul to lower his defenses. The Collector takes on the role of guide and attempts to lead the soul to the gates of the Holding Ship. In this Holding Ship, the spirit essence of the dead person is scanned again to determine its degree of purity of energy (its lack of resistant character traits) and its potential to provide nourishment to the collective mind of G.O.D. This potential is based on the degree that this spirit has been subdued through fear and dependence or how effective religious programming had been on this soul during its physical lifetime. Those spirits, which have little or no self-will and have been sufficiently programmed to serve G.O.D. during their lives will have the highest nourishment potential." End of Quote This topic [understandably] has come up many times in all of the groups…the Christian concept of "Hell." There have been cases of certain individuals who have seen horrors and such from near death experiences and related. Some of these people had ties to angels who showed them this sort of thing as well. This is of the Christian "God" and has nothing to do with Satan. Most tours of "Hell" such as in the story of "Dante's Inferno" are guided by an angel. Now, when I say "Christian God" this term is a collective label for the human hating entities out there who have been exploiting humanity, using their invented Christian religion as a tool. Long before photography was readily available and knowledge of extraterrestrials was made public, occultist Aleister Crowley drew a picture of "Jehovah" and the image was of a grey extra-terrestrial. The greys hate humanity. Not to get into a rehash of what is already on the JoS website; my point in making this post is to reassure people regarding "Hell." Knowing the truth is very important and when you open your mind through power meditation, you will see more and more truths. The enemy does have rotten places for human souls who fall into their traps. This has nothing to do with Satan. Things are backwards. Just as the Jews [who are of the enemy at the soul] accuse and blame Gentiles for everything THEY THEMSELVES DO, in order to create a distraction and diversion and to confuse, this bleeds over into a much larger area in the way of what Christianity does. Everything the Christians are and do, they blame upon Satan. I have heard Christians [ad nauseum] go on and on about how "The Devil hates humanity" "was a murderer and a liar from the beginning" "is all about materialism" "works to prevent humanity from achieving everlasting life and immortality" the list of bullshit goes on and on and in reality, this all applies to Jehova, THEIR "God." One only needs to look to all of the murders, the endless lies, and the genocide of Gentile nations in the Old Testament of the bible. In addition, the Nazarene WHICH IN REALITY WAS STOLEN FROM A CONCEPT, was invented into a fictitious Jewish character for the purpose of creating another distraction and deception so that the concept is devoid of its spiritual message so that anyone who follows this kike on the cross will never perform the magnum opus and achieve immortality. Christians keep compulsively parroting "Jesus loves you" when the real truth is "Jesus hates you!" "Jesus" hates humanity! "Jesus" is nothing more than a subliminal tool for ushering in the Jewish messiah [if enough people believe in this "second coming" and put their psychic energies into it, the ruling kike needed to unite the Jews of the world will appear on the scene and enslave every Gentile under the most heinous and brutal conditions] and TO KEEP THE DELUDED FROM SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE, ADVANCING THEIR SOULS AND ACHIEVING EVERLASTING LIFE/IMMORTALITY. "Jesus" also serves as a distraction so that believers never meditate or do anything to advance their souls. The deluded believe "Jesus" will take care of everything and that "Jesus saves" when in truth, we all save our own souls, given we have the knowledge and that we apply it. Those who are denied this knowledge and do not meditate will die and be reincarnated over and over, damned into repeating the same mistakes and totally at the mercy of their destiny. Try running this by Christians. They keep parroting "The Devil deceives" when in truth, it is their own "God." And, this so-called "God" of theirs is afraid of humanity obtaining knowledge and spiritual power? Is threatened by our physical nudity? "Loves" you so much he will damn you to a fiery pit to burn for all eternity? Hardly our creator. Everything the Christians accuse "The Devil" of is really their own "God." This is their deception. "He deceiveth the masses." Now getting back to those near death experiences and such, Lilith told me something very enlightening. She told me that those who have had strong ties to Christianity in their past lives are very open to the enemy. Even if someone is non-religious, an atheist or an agnostic, if there is a strong essence of Christianity on that person's soul from former lifetimes; it is an opening for the enemy to manipulate him/her in this lifetime. Note that those who have had frightening experiences run straight back to the enemy. The enemy will use the individual for an example into scaring others, and in many other ways. Many of us have been with Satan for centuries of past lives. I asked her about myself and she replied to me "you have always rejected it" [Christianity]. Because of the systematic removal of spiritual knowledge, few of us are really open and aware to what is on our own soul and the souls of others. Regardless of where one's soul was at in former lifetimes, when one performs the Dedication to Satan, this is very real and permanent. Christian sacraments such as baptism, confirmation, and such are false and non-binding. Satanic sacraments are real. Some people have a harder time than others do in coming to Satan. For those of us who have been with him through all of our lifetimes, coming to Satan is like a duck coming to water, a bird flying free; it feels so perfect. There is nothing conflicting. Some of us [myself included], when first opening to Satan and studying Satanism, have felt a beautiful, comforting warm glow of energy surrounding us. People who have anxiety, more than likely have past life issues with Christianity and/or other false programs of the enemy. These need to be overcome and performing the dedication is the first step, as once one dedicates one's soul to Satan, this is permanent. Close associations with the enemy in past lives, such as one being a devout Christian [this can even be worse if the past lives were many], has made one's soul very open to the influences of the enemy; holes so to speak. The enemy then uses certain individuals for their own nefarious purposes. Some people have a more difficult time in coming to Satan than others, but those who have found the truth and who are sincere, can overcome any obstacles. Key indications that one was with Satan in past lives are a very strong desire to be with him again, a higher than average interest in the occult, witchcraft and the powers of the mind and soul, and a very positive feeling when studying true Satanism, and in knowing Satan. Many of us have powers and knowledge that have come from past lives. I have learned much about the soul, as I have had the privilege of working directly with a few human spirits who are of major importance to Satan. They do not like to be called "dead." They are very much alive, alert, and aware, with their same personalities, character traits, likes, dislikes, emotions, and everything else they were in their physical lives here. The only thing is they do not have a physical body yet. Reincarnation is not the only way one can obtain a physical body. Most people reincarnate because those souls who are without a body do not eat, they do not sleep, and basically, they stagnate. It is very boring for them. The soul can enter the body of a living being, [as the one I have been working with does with me], and enjoy physical pleasures such as eating, touching different things, and anything else physical. The soul by itself is also able to feel sexual orgasm. Sexual orgasm is not only physical, but is also spiritual, as when orgasm occurs, the chakras open, and this is one of the main reasons the Christian churches are and always have been against sexual pleasure, it is a spiritual thing, not physical, that they are against, as they work to destroy all spirituality. Also, one does not obtain power through or after one's physical death. We take ourselves with us, our personalities, our abilities and one's spiritual power. Hell is dimly lit, from what I have seen of it. Lilith told me this is for two reasons; one being to protect the souls who are there and for another, light is power. Satan's side has been deprived of power. They lost a battle, though, not the war. The experiences in death are highly individual. People who are vulnerable to the enemy, as I wrote of in the above, are at the mercy of the enemy. All of this has to do with past and present lives. There are others who for whatever reason, often an important issue, refuse to move on and remain as ghosts and stay here on earth. As I wrote of before in a sermon on ghosts, there are often serous unresolved issues such as one being murdered and others not knowing, one's corpse not being properly buried and such, as it matters to the individual. Others just go to the astral. Much has to do with one's spiritual beliefs if any, as one ties into corresponding energies. Satan protects those who are dedicated. The goal of Spiritual Satanism is physical and spiritual perfection and immortality, so you don't have to die and reincarnate, and forget everything you learned in this life all over again. Satan takes care of his own. I asked a VIP human spirit of whom I have been working with, what happened when he died [after he fell to the floor following his swallowing of a cyanide capsule]. He told me four of our Gods showed up, took his astral hand, lifted him from his body and took him to Hell where others he knew who had passed on were already there and where he has been secure, safe, and very protected. Another VIP spirit who also swallowed cyanide was escorted this way. The VIP spirits have been segregated, as they are given extra protection. A woman that a family member of mine worked with related her fears, years ago, concerning her husband seeing Demons on his deathbed. These were the messenger Demons; the gargoyle types and he was frightened. Again, at some point in a past life, his soul was of Satan, and Satan took responsibility for him. These Demons are there for the protection of Satanic souls to ensure they are not abducted by the enemy, by going to the light. An essence is like a trace of energy left behind as with a violent death, so-called "haunted houses" and that sort of thing. An essence is just energy. An essence does not have a personality, emotions, or awareness. I have seen Jew lying filth teachings that those who have passed on are "empty shells." Nothing could be further from the truth. Thanks to this sort of thing and the Christian churches, which are their major tool, many of those who have passed on are forgotten by their families, and survivors; due to spiritual knowledge being systematically removed. Survivors visit the empty corpse at the gravesites and don't know how to contact and communicate with their loved ones on the other side who haven't reincarnated yet. The physical body is dead, but the soul lives on and is not dead in any way. As for endless questions concerning suicide, suicide should be a totally last resort, as many problems can be overcome through meditation and directing one's energies. There are certain cases where suicide is the only answer, such as facing torture or worse, where there is NO other way out possible. The Powers of Hell want us to live. The enemy tries to get people to commit suicide. The experiences in the above article are not just my own, but of other dedicated Satanists who have also confirmed their own experiences regarding Hell and working with those who have passed on and are now in spirit form. SATAN NEVER MURDERED ANYONE SATAN NEVER LIED TO ANYONE SATAN ACCEPTS YOU AS YOU ARE, AND DOES NOT HATE HUMAN NATURE SATAN RULES OVER WHAT IS CALLED 'THE OCCULT' WHICH IS COMPLETELY SPIRITUAL SATAN GIVES US KNOWLEDGE AND DOES NOT FEAR HUMAN SPIRITUAL ADVANCEMENT SATAN DOES NOT FEAR HUMANITY

The New Zion

The final purpose of the Bible is for the Jews to build their Temple of Solomon which is the Jewish World Order. The Bible is to create the energy to manifest their Chief Corner Stone. The Jews stated in their Protocol's this Messiah is the keystone[capstone] to their entire agenda Messiah is the meaning of chief capstone or corner stone: Jewish Talmud: Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves." Special note 888 and 8 also relate in the Bible directly to the Nazarene as he is the Messiah or Chief Corner Stone of which is the birth and completion of the Jewish World Order. Messiah [meaning Chief Cornerstone/Capstone] This represents the finished Temple of Solomon. 1 Peter 2:6 [mentioning Jesus] [2+6=8 as stated above the Nazarene as the Jewish Messiah who creates the Global Zion where Gentiles are slaves]. "Behold, I lay in Zion a chief cornerstone, elect, precious, and he who believes on Him will by no means be put to shame" [7 is a number of finishing man with spiritual power and of the Jewish Messiah in this case it goes back to the number 22 in Revelations and Psalms the books related to global Jewish Rule]. 7Therefore, its value is for you who have faith, but for those without faith: "The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone," [8 is the number of the creation of this Jew World Order hence also the undoing of those opposed to it]. 8 and "A stone that will make people stumble, and a rock that will make them fall. "They stumble by disobeying the word, as is their destiny. [Note 9 the number of finality and Gods proclamation, Judgements. Here we see the Jews are the Chosen People who will be given the Messiah and World Rule which is all through the Bible and its point the core of the Bible is the Jewish Torah]. 9* But you are "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of his own, so that you may announce the praises" of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. This is an extension of : Psalm 89:19 [ 8+9=17=8 the Nazarene and 1+9=10 the number of the Jewish Global Zion the number of perfection of their "God." When they rule. As seen by this verse is about the Jewish Messiah.] "Psalm 89:19 Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one, and saidst, I have laid help upon one that is mighty; I have exalted one chosen out of the people." The pinnacle the Nazarene stands upon is considered: The only remaining portion of the original temple built by Solomon. The Pinnacle is the place where the Chief Cornerstone is placed. The Nazarene is thus the Jewish Messiah by this statement in the Bible. The dialogue between the Nazarene and the Christian Devil is connected to who the Rabbis state is the person identified by God in Psalm 91 is none other than the Messiah. We see again this is the Jewish Messiah and what this means. Psalms is based upon the Jewish Messiah and World Rule. Psalms is the 19th book in the Old Testament. 1+9=10. Pslam's 91 also equals 10. Psalms contains 150 Psalms which adds to 6 the number the Jews wish to bind us under 73 of these are dedicated to King David who is connected to the Jewish World Leader, the Nazarene . 7+3=10 the perfect number in Judaism and relates to the 613 [equals 10] rules of their "God" the Jews will impose on the Gentiles with their Theocratic law. This is vital as the Torah and its law is the salvation [World Rule] of their God and the essence of their Covenant which gives them this promise. We see the Messiah is actually the fulfilment of this all important Theocratic law: Matthew 5:17-18 Jesus states: 17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. [1+7=8 the number of the new order and power to be created by this laws fulfilment the coming of the Messiah and the Temple of Solomon finished.] 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled [1+8=9 the number of finality and Gods judgement once again the setting up subliminally for this Jewish Messiah and Slave State.] Revelations is the final book in the Bible and has 22 chapters the number of God, the final working completed, the finishing of the building of the Temple of Solomon. Hence why the number of the Master Builder. Literally the Messiah. 12 Which relates back to Gentiles being bound without power at the soul and slaves to the Jewish Zion and its Messiah This is the full agenda of this book in this verse: Revelation 22:12 "And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last." Hence why the The Nazarene utters the 7 last words of finality, on the cross which is the phase at the start of Psalms 22. Psalms being the book of Jewish World Rule. Within the text: Revelations chapter 17:1–20:15) Depicts the destruction of the Gentile [Pagan nations] by the Jewish Messiah. The New Creation (21:1–22:5) Rev 12:1–6 depicting the New Israel, The Jew World Order, 12= completion. This is the number like 6 of man falling short of spiritual power and being a slave to Zion. 12 being this within the context of total Jewish World Order. 5 She gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod.* Her child was caught up to God and his throne. 6The woman herself fled into the desert where she had a place prepared by God, that there she might be taken care of for twelve hundred and sixty days.* [12 and 66 the numbers of as stated which is when the New Israel the Jewish World Order is created by the Jewish Messiah the Nazarene. There are 66 books in the bible that also add into 12.] 10Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: [Note as stated 10 the number of completion, being under their Theocratic rule.] "Now have salvation and power come, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Anointed." Note the Rod of Iron relates back to book Psalms depicting the Jewish World Messiah and Rule: *[Psalm 2] A royal Psalm. To rebellious kings (Ps 2:1–3) God responds vigorously (Ps 2:4–6). A speaker proclaims the divine decree (in the legal adoption language of the day), making the Israelite king the earthly representative of God (Ps 2:7–9) and warning kings to obey (Ps 2:10–11). The Psalm has a messianic meaning for the Church; the New Testament understands it of Christ (Acts 4:25–27; 13:33; Heb 1:5). The Messiah is a Tyrant who shall rule by violence, murder and force only. Which is the nature of the Jewish God and People. He shall not tolerate freedom [rebellion] of any kind. All the Gentile nations will be enslaved to him. Psalms, chapter 2 9 With an iron rod you will shepherd them, like a potter's vessel you will shatter them [Note 9 is the number of finality and judgement of God the final judgement. The Messiah lays waste by judgement on the Gentile world and destroys it.] [Note 8 refers to be made to proposer and the creation of a New Order or a new start. The Jewish Messiah shall create the order in which the Jews shall reap the fat of the Gentle land. The Jew World Order slave state. As stated 8 in the Bible refers to the Nazarene.] More: [In the Bible the number 8, which comes after the number (7) which signifies completeness, symbolizes a new beginning, or a new order of things, a new creation, a new birth. Christ was selected as the Passover Lamb on the 10th day of the first month, a weekly Sabbath (John 12: 28-29). He was crucified on the 14th day (7 + 7, or double completeness) which was also the 4th day of the week. He was in the tomb exactly 3 days and 3 nights. He was resurrected toward the end of the next weekly Sabbath, the 17th (the number of victory). The 17th was also the 8th day when counted inclusively from the 10th day, the day of His selection. Thus, the confluence of these numbers shows Jesus' total victory . The building of the Temple of Solomon his time on the cross relates to Psalm 22. The 10 refers to rule under the Jewish Theocratic law. Which Jesus states he is the fulfilment of.] Matthew 5:17-18 17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled Pslams:8 and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, and, as your possession, the ends of the earth. [my note 11 relates to destruction and chaos the Messiah will destroy and plunge the Gentile nations into ruin who do not bow before Zion and the Jewish race as slaves.] 11 Serve the LORD with fear; exult with trembling, Accept correction lest he become angry and you perish along the way when his anger suddenly blazes up. Blessed are all who take refuge in him! Jesus is the Jewish Messiah only: With Revelations being the end of the Bible its also the 66 book. 66 adds to 12. Which relates back to Gentiles being bound without power at the soul and slaves to the Jewish Zion and its Messiah. It's the perfect number in the Bible because it expresses its intent. To enslave the Gentiles as Goyium literally animals of burden and slaves to the Jewish World Order. The Jewish Holy Books over and over state that Gentiles simply exist to be slaves of the Jewish People and their "God." This is why 12 and 66 are stated to be the number connected with the New Israel. Here is the final reality right from the mouth of the Jewish Messiah itself: Mat 15:22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. Mat 15:23 But he answered her not a word. And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us. [send her way because she is a Goy]. Mat 15:24 But he [Jesus] answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. [The Jewish Messiah only, not the Goyium.] Mat 15:25 Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me. [begs as slave.] Mat 15:26 But he [Jesus] answered and said, It is not meet to take the children's [of Israel the Jews] bread, and to cast it to dogs. [Jesus in true Jewish style calls her as a Gentile an animal, and all Gentiles as well. He did not come for the Goyium the animals only for the Chosen People, his fellow Jews.] Very Important : Mat 15:27 And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. [Note here we have 1+5=6 The number 6 is stamped on all that is connected with human labor. The man without spiritual power in the ancient world called an animal, the Goyium. And 2+7=9 Finality and judgement of God. The Gentile reduced to a slave bowing before the Jewish Masters, God and Messiah. The Jew World Order.] Matthew 15:24) He (Jesus) replied, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Matthew 10:5-20 These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: "Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. 6 Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. Christians are false Jews and not given the salvation of the Messiah: Revelation 2:9-10 9 I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. 10 Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor's crown. [9 is the number of finality and 10 Jewish theocratic rule under their Messiah here is the final point. The Nazarene is addressing the Jews. As he stated he only comes for the Jewish race, Gentiles are simply animals to be slaves of the Jews. With the number 10 we see the final truth only the Jews have salvation of the Messiah and Zion. As the Jewish religion states that Adam is from the blood of Yahweh this is why he is created on the 7th day the number of completion . Eve they state had sex with Satan and spawned Cain who is reduced to become apart of his natural role in the land of Nod amongst and married to the 6th day humans. The Goyium or animals hence they creation on the 6th day the number of such. That is the message in Genesis this is Cain's real sin. His birth. Because Gentiles are from the Seed line of Satan they can never have the Convent of Israel thus are not entitled to the salvation of the Torah only the Jewish race is. The Gentiles are stated to have Satanic souls and blood. In the Jewish religion. The religion the Nazarene preached and is the fulfilment of. This is why the Nazarene is called the second Adam. The fake Jews, the synagogue of Satan are the GENTILES. Hence 9 the finality of the Judgement of the Jewish Messiah-God upon them as fake Jews. Christians [Gentiles] are the fake Jews they believe themselves entitled to the Jewish salvation of the Torah which Jesus in the final book of the Bible states they are not of nor with they ever be. With the next verse of 10 the number of Jewish World Order. The Jewish Messiah tells the Jews they will triumph in the end and have the promise of salvation. The Jew World Order. The Temple finished. Pay heed: John 4:22 22. "You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. 22 is the number of Salvation which is the Temple of Solomon, the New Zion where the Jewish Messiah rules from with the rod of iron and treads the Gentiles under his feet as slaves and servants. - YOUR OWN DAMNATION. Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves." "The nations will gather to pay homage to the people of God: all the fortunes of the nations will pass to the Jewish people, they will march captive behind the Jewish people in chains and willl prostrate themselves before them, their kings will bring up their sons, and their princesses will nurse their children. The Jews will command the nations, they will summon peoples whom they do not even know them will haten to them. The riches of the sea and the wealth of nations will come to the Jews of their own right. "Any people of the Kingdom who will not serve Isreal will be destroyed" -Isidore Loeb [Le Litterature des Pauvres dans la Bible].

Monday, 24 August 2015

The truth about the origins and spread of islam- how the jews developed the program of islam to invade and destroy the East

***This is the story of the prelude to the “islamic conquests”*** The quran and deluded followers of islam claim that this “religion” spread due to the followers of Muhammad traveling the east and spreading the word, acquiring new converts as they went by performing miracles, trading goods etc. This is a very fanciful story, and one which is NOT corroborated by actual historical events. The truth paints a very different picture and we are taken back to the Ancient Pagan Tribes and Civilizations of Arabia and the Middle East, who were brutally attacked and besieged for centuries by violent psychotic bandits who were the true founders of what we now know as islam. These attacks left trails of blood across the globe and ended in the destruction of Ancient Gentile culture and the enslavement of our People which is still effective to this day. There never was any “prophet Muhammad” who led the Arabian people in efforts to convert the tribes to islam. Muhammad never existed, but was fabricated AFTER the conquests had taken place in order to be used as a tool, no different than the christian “jesus”. So who did orchestrate the spread of this vile program? Who was this program meant to benefit? The following article will illustrate how it was in fact the jews who instigated and developed this program as a means of judaising the Pagan Eastern World, eliminating the original Pagan religion and practices, removing the power from the hands of the Gentile Pagan ruling class and developing a new system of ruler ship that placed all of the power and wealth in the hands of a new ruling class who had a jewish blood line. Afterall, Muhammad himself was described as being of jewish decent, having jewish ancestry and even taking jewish wives and thus birthing jewish children.–the-jewish-prophet.html Whereas this character of Muhammad never existed himself, this is symbolic for how the jews placed their own in positions of power in the newly developed islamic world. This was either done by the ousting of a Gentile leader/ruler via the use of physical force and replacing them with someone of jewish descent or by using their women to infiltrate the Gentile bloodlines. The latter has long been a common tactic and is still used even today. The jews often use their females to infiltrate by siccing them onto powerful and influential Gentile men. Once they have managed to worm their way in, they take full control over that persons life, decisions and actions and can easily manipulate events according to their own agenda. As well as this control aspect, any future offspring produced will be considered jewish and carry jewish genes. Thus there is total judaising of everything. The jews brag about this tactic in their story of “Esther”, the jewish whore who was sent to seduce the Persian King. As the story goes, the Persians were involved in constant battles with the jews and were attempting to exile them from Persia altogether, the jews needed a means of taking control of the Persian Kingdom and undermining the Persian King and Persian Gentile rulership. Using deceit and treachery (disgusing herself to appear more Gentile, taking a Persian name and getting rid of the Kings first Persian Gentile wife), “Esther” got the King to fall in love with and marry her, making her Queen. On guidance from her jewish brothers, she carefully gained the Kings trust and instructed the King to make all of the moves which would benefit the jewish people, and all of the moves which would inevitably lead to the destruction of his own Gentile People. She ensured that he had all of the Gentile Persian leaders who had once been his most trusted council, beheaded and publically shamed by using lies and fabrications to turn the King against them. “Esther” brags of planting seeds of doubt in the Kings mind, leading him to believe that his own People were his enemies. This is the age old tactic of divide and conquer. She separated the King from his most important support system, isolating him and taking control. Once the Gentile leadership has been slaughtered, Esther invites her own jewish people to take their places. By the time the King finds out who Esther really is and how he has been deceived, it is already too late. Now, this is a fictitious story, however, the tactics behind it are very real, and were used ad nauseam by the jews of the time to infiltrate the Gentile Royal bloodlines and essentially destroy them. The story of “Esther” is a bragging of how they used these tactics to achieve their own end. This is the same sort of tactics as were used by the jewish Rothschild family to infiltrate the British Royal Family. They began with financial manipulation, and then intermarriage. Nowadays, the “Royal Family” is 100% jewish, even practicing jewish traditions during wedding ceremonies and so on. Once the jewish gene has been inserted into the bloodline via the jewess, it is maintained by instilling laws that state the male offspring must take a jew as a bride. Remember, the child is considered legally jewish according to jewish law if the mother is a jew. This is why the marriage between William and Kate Middleton was necessary. Kate Middleton has a jewish mother, who was born Carol Goldsmith. Both of her grandparents were of jewish descent. Here is an interesting excerpt: “It was a Rothschild plan to marry superfluous daughters into the families of influential Gentiles; in this case of the Rothschild unions with Baron Battersea and the son of the fourth Earl of Hardwicke, the marriages were sterile, but a daughter of Mayer Amschel Rothschild married the fifth Earl of Rosebery, so that there is Rothschild blood in the present earl, one of whose sisters married the present Marquis of Crewe, himself with Villa Real blood: thus after many days, the blood of the Villa real Jewess mingles with that of the Rothschild in the issue of this marriage of “British Aristocrats”. This custom of mating with Jewesses now become a common one; the instinct of the Aryan has been broken down by continued propaganda, and H. Belloc in his BOOK on The Jews writes of the Jewish penetration of our great aristocratic families: “With the opening of the twentieth century, those of the great territorial English families in which there was no Jewish blood were the exception.” -From “JEWISH INROADS INTO BRITISH ROYALTY UP TO THE YEAR 1937” However, this is another story for another time altogether. The point here is to note the tactics which are used in order to infiltrate. This is how the infiltration of the Gentile Eastern and Arabian cultures began, and it was this careful infiltration into Gentile Society that aided in the creation and spread of islam, which is, in truth, judaism at its core. Now, we will look at how this began. Actual historical records show that the creation of islam as it stands today, the writing of the quran and the invention of the fictitious Muhammad actually came AFTER the events now called the islamic conquests, and not before as mainstream media and muslims will have you believe. The conquests and destruction of the East took place before islam was actually created as a means of further destroying the original Pagan religion, cultures and knowledge and further weakening and enslaving the Gentile People. The purpose of the conquests, exactly like the Inquisition that took place in the West, was to eliminate the Pagan Gentile Royalty, slaughter the Pagan Priesthood and destroy Pagan Spiritual Knowledge, thus enslaving the Pagan Gentile People who were left totally cut off from their original identities, their original leaders, their original Gods and their original sources of Empowerment. They were reduced to mere slaves working for a foreign master. The program of islam was installed after this in order to ensure the continuance of this enslavement. There in fact was never any mention anywhere of any established religion called islam, or any prophet by the name of Muhammad, during the times at which the violent conquests were taking place and there is no evidence for it having existed yet at that point in time. These religious aspects were created and fed into the records years later. This is no different than how the so-called biographies of Muhammad only appeared over 100 years after he was supposed to have died. During the time he was meant to have lived, not a word was breathed about him despite the presence of many Ancient historians whom were very accustomed to recording important events and stories. Very suspicious, to say the least. So how would the conquests and the spread of islam have benefited the jews? Other than islam being a jewish program that worships a jewish god/agenda (Please see the rest of the site), as for the actual events as historically recorded, it has been proven that the major conquests took place with a great deal of jewish aid and worked in favor of the jews. At this point in time, much of the Pagan Eastern world was attempting to banish the jews from their midst due to centuries of ongoing problems with them. Thievery, ritual murder and other attocities were common in societies where the jews decided to settle, and were the reasosns many Ancient Gentile societies either banished or attempted to banish them. Ancient Rome, Persia and Egypt declared laws at one stage or another expelling the jews for these very reasosns. So in order to solve the problem of constantly being banished or suppressed from the Gentile societies which they invaded, and in order to take control for themselves so that they would be free to carry out their acts undisturbed, the jews needed to divise a plan to help them infiltrate the top levels of the Gentile societies and place themselves within all of the major positions of power. What better way of doing this than enforcing their own customs, beliefs and practices upon the people of these societies, establishing their own religion as the major religion, their own “priesthood” as the ruling class and essentially forcing their own alien culture onto the Gentile Peoples of the region and forcing them to worship their own “god” and their own prophets. If they could judaise everything, they would hold the reigns of control. Islam was the perfect means of doing this, and as has been stated, islam is merely judaism in a different form. “PROTOCOL No. 14 When we come into our kingdom it will be undesirable for us that there should exist any other religion than ours of the One God with whom our destiny is bound up by our position as the Chosen People and through whom our same destiny is united with the destinies of the world. We must therefore sweep away all other forms of belief. If this gives birth to the atheists whom we see to-day, it will not, being only a transitional stage, interfere with our views, but will serve as a warning for those generations which will hearken to our preaching of the religion of Moses, that, by its stable and thoroughly elaborated system has brought all the peoples of the world into subjection to us.”- The words of the jews themselves. *Note- “Moses” is called Musa in the Quran where he is decleraed one of the prophets. The Quran is jewish through and through!!! But this had to be done slowly and carefully and before this could be achieved successfully, the Gentile Societies would have to be infiltrated, weakened and undermined first. To do this, the jews would first have to integrate themselves into the local Gentile cultures, adapting to their customs and ways of life. Once they had been fully integrated and had gained the trust of these people, they would begin to inflict their own culture, bizarre anti-life practices and beliefs and their own religion upon them. This is destruction of a People from the inside out. It is an extremely effective means of weakening a group before engaging in outright warfare against them. First, they will rot the structure from within, so that it crumbles easily when they choose to attack. The best infiltrator first disguises themselves as that which they intend to destroy so that they may gain access to the very core of their object of attack. This is the same as was done with the Gentile Secret Societies, which were originally PAGAN in nature. This has been discussed in depth on the JoS website. The following excerpt isinteresting regarding how the jews worked to integrate themselves into the Arab societies before they began the judaisation of these societies: “Syed Abu-Ala’ Maududi in his “The Meaning of the Qur’an” points out that the Jews of the Hejaz “In the matter of language, dress, civilization and way of life, they had completely adopted Arabism, even their names had become Arabian … They even inter-married with the Arabs…..This intermarriage between Jews and Arabs, for example between the families of Quraish and Jewish women is well documented. “.” – From “The Persian conquest of Jerusalem in 614CE compared with Islamic conquest of 638CE. Its Messianic nature and the role of the Jewish Exilarch”, by Ben Abrahamson and Joseph Katz. (Note that the above is written by jews who are fully aware of the jewish origins of islam.) Once again, we see how the jews used their women to infiltrate Arabian Gentile society, attaching themselves to the Arabian royalty. By first adapting to the culture, they were able to infiltrate on a deep level. So lets look at how the foundation for islam was first laid. It began with this jewish infiltration of the Arabian culture. It was documented that after adopting the Arabian culture and intermarrying with the influential Arabian men, the jewish women would force their unwitting Arabian husbands to adopt judaism and jewish practices. This began to lead to the development of a bizarre amalgamation of judaic practices with traditional Arabian practices and resulted in an Arabian form of judaism beginning to rise. This mixing of practices and what resulted is what would later be officially developed into islam. This mirrors exactly how the jews laid the foundation for christianity in Alexandria when they developed a Hellenized form of judaism. High Priest Don Danko wrote on this extensively, and the creation of islam in many ways overlaps with the events surrounding the creation of christianity: “This is why Christianity as noted by scholars is so identical to the Egyptian Pagan religions. This is the major template the Jews stole and corrupted it from. Even lifting the title for their fictional Godman from one of the major Pagan deities.” – High Priest Don Danko. The exact same thing was done with the Ancient Arabian Pagan religion. The jews siply lifted the name and identity of a Pagan Arabian God, known as Sin the Moon God, whose title in the Ancient Arabian world was “Al’Ilah”, meaning “Supreme Deity amongst all the Deities”. Note the similarity between Allah and Al’Ilah. Islam shares much in common with the Pagan Arabian religion, for example the symbol of the Crescent Moon and Star, the Lunar basis for the calendar, etc because the jews literally stole and corrupted the Arabian religion of the area as a template for their depraved program of islam. Looking again to the jewish infiltration of Arabia -“Michael Lecker of Hebrew University in his article “A note on early marriage links between Qurashis and Jewish women”, in. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam (1987),” says that there are three choices: 1. The women gave up Judaism and embraced paganism. 2. The women didn’t care about intermarriage with non-Jews 3. The men embraced Judaism Due to various supporting evidence he gives, Dr. Lecker discounts the first two and is left with possibility of the third choice.” I.e., the only option was for the men to convert to judaism. Please note from the above how the jews themselves are FULLY AWARE that islam is a facade and was created by them. They openly admit this and admit to purposefully deceiving the Gentile People and destroying our origianl and True Culture. Now let us look at some of the historical events that led to the jews inventing islam as their final attempt to take control of the Eastern World. As mentioned above, incessant problems with the jews were a common theme in Ancient Gentile societies which were desperately seeking means of ridding themselves of these jewish parasites. During the time of the First Century C.E., Ancient Egypt, Cyprus and Cyrene had laws in place controlling the jews among them and protecting the native Gentile Populations from these unwanted tribes of blood thirsty criminal bandits. However, the jews organised a violent uprising in an attempt to take power from the Gentile People and carry out destruction of the Pagan Gentile religious centers. This was later termed the “kitos war” by the jews and was literally a massacre of the Pagan Gentile Peoples of these regions and a rampage of destruction against Gentile Pagan sacred sites and artifacts. The mass murder spree was orchestrated by a jew by the name of “Lukas” who had proclaimed himself as king of the jewish tribes. “Their revolt started in Cyrene, where one Lukuas -sometimes called Andreas- ordered the Jews to destroy the pagan temples of Apollo, Artemis, Hecate, Demeter, Isis and Pluto, and to assail the worshippers.” -From Wars between the Jews and Romans: the revolt against Trajan (115-117 CE) Thousands upon thousands of Gentile Pagan men, women and children were brutally murdered and Sacred Temples such as the Temples of Hecate and Isis were stormed and destroyed. The jewish murderers then proceeded to drink the blood and eat the flesh of their Gentile Pagan victims. YES. You read that correctly. They engaged in cannibalistic ritualized mutilation of the bodies of the innocent Gentiles which they brutally killed. Here is a quote from an Ancient Roman Historian recounting the aftermath of this horrific jewish-orchestrated massacre: “In Cyrene, the Jews massacred 220,000 Greeks; in Cyprus, 240,000; in Egypt, a very great multitude. Many of these unhappy victims were sawed asunder, according to a precedent to which David had given sanction of his examples. The victorious Jews devoured the flesh, licked up the blood, and twisted the entrails like a girdle around their bodies”- Dion Cassius I This is sick, twisted and depraved in the very worst sense and clearly illustatres the sadistic nature of these parasites to civilisation. Here is another very telling quote relating to this massacre: “Humanity is shocked at the recital of the horrid cruelties which Jews committed in the cities of Egypt, of Cyprus, and of Cyrene, where they dwell in treacherous friendship with the unsuspecting natives and we are tempted to applaud the severe retaliation which was exercised by the arms of legions against a race of fanatics, whose dire and credulous superstition seemed to render them the implacable enemies not only of Roman government, but also of humankind.” – By Edward Gibbon ***Note- “dwell in treacherous friendship with the unsuspecting natives”. The jews have been famous since time immemorial for biting the hand which feeds them. They will settle amongst a people, pretend to be a friendly prsesence, leech off of their lands, their labour and their goods, and suddenly without warning they will attack and destroy the very people from whom they were feeding. Many times throughout the pages of their bible they brag of this very behaviour. They would settle amongst a Gentile nation, and once they had fed off of and exhausted their resources, they would massacre them, steal their remaining goods and rape their women before moving on to the next unsuspecting group of Gentile People to begin their cycle of parasitic leeching all over again. This is even evident today in how they are currently massacaring the Palestinian People, whose land and farms they stole and falsely proclaimed to be their own. Nothing has changed over the last 10 000 years with this race of beings, and nothing ever will. They are natural born parasites who evetually destroy the People to which they attach themselves. They can never be trusted. Getting back to the massacre which took place in the Ancient East. Despite the fact that they had massacred thousands of Gentile People, their attempt to take control was quashed by the armies of the Pagan Roman Emperor Trajan, who was later succeeded by Emperor Hadrian. Another quote by Dion Cassius: “‘Meanwhile the Jews in the region of Cyrene had put one Andreas at their head and were destroying both the Romans and the Greeks. They would cook their flesh, make belts for themselves of their entrails, anoint themselves with their blood, and wear their skins for clothing. Many they sawed in two, from the head downwards. Others they would give to wild beasts and force still others to fight as gladiators. In all, consequently, two hundred and twenty thousand perished. In Egypt, also, they performed many similar deeds, and in Cyprus under the leadership of Artemio. There, likewise, two hundred and forty thousand perished. For this reason no Jew may set foot in that land, but even if one of them is driven upon the island by force of the wind, he is put to death. Various persons took part in subduing these Jews, one being Lusius, who was sent by Trajan.” After this, the jews were exiled from the Roman Empire which at the time included Egypt, Cyprus and Cyrene and heavy sanctions were placed upon them, many laws forbidding jewish religious practices and so forth. Angered, they began to organize another uprising in the region which is today called Palestine. It was this uprising that would lead to huge amounts of jewish “refugees” flooding Arabia and Babylon. This uprising was known as the Bar kokhba revolt and was organised by a jewish leader Simon Ben kosiba, whom was regarded by the jews at the time to be a jewish “messiah” and prince who would lead them in a victorious slaughter and take over of the Gentile Pagan People. This “jewish prince” was aided by a rabbi Akiva. Persia at the time had a significant jewish population, as the jews had invaded it in much the same way they invaded Alexandria, and the jews took advantage of Persian military personnel to carry out this revolt against the Pagan Roman Empire. This revolt was said to have been even more violent than the previous massacre and was reported by many Ancient Roman Historians as being a horriffic sight which they wished only to forget. Emperor Hadrain managed to once again quash the revolt, and ensure that sanctions against jews within the Roman Empire were kept in place. Large amounts of the jewish murderers and plunderers fled back to Persia and to Arabia and Babylon to escape justice and to continue planning a means of taking control of the East. This is how the official development of islam began. Some of the jewish immigrants to Arabia established their own tribal groups known in later islamic literature as the Bani Al-Nadir and the Bani Quraizah. That these were jewish tribes from the start comprised of those whom had taken part in the bloody Bar khokba revolt and NOT native Arab tribes is well-documented. It was stated that these tribes were comprised of the jewish cohen priests. “Maududi says that the Bani Al-Nadir and Bani Quraizah were tribes made up of Cohenim. It is known that the Bani al Nadir and the Bani Quraizah were the clients of the Aus, and the Bani Qainuqa were the clients of the Khazraj.” They at first integrated with and adopted Arabian culture mixed in with their own judaic beliefs and practices. It was said that they adopted islam easily because of their judaic origins and the heavy similarities between judaism and islam. Of course- islam was created by them using the stolen and corrupted Pagan Arabian template. It was these immigrant jewish tribes that began the creation of islam in this very manner. The Aus and Khazraj are referred to in the quran as the “uncles of islam”. “The third wave of immigrants were mostly refugees and soldiers from Bar Kochba’s revolt –fighters trained in the art of war and zealously nationalistic – sought refugee in Arabia.This last wave of immigrants included people who are known in Islamic literature as the Aus andthe Khazraj.” – The Persian Conquest of Jerusalem. These crypto-jewish Arabian tribes began to seize control via various war efforts, spreading their version of Arabian judaism (islam) as they went. The instillation of this Arabian judaism was brought into fruition when a marriage between an Arab leader and a jewish princess lead to the birth of the jewish-Arabian warlord “Dhu-Nuwas”. Dhu Nuwas means “lord of the sidelock”, referring to a jewish custom in which a rabbi wears a sidelock hairstyle. Through violent war efforts, Dhu-Nuwas managed to establish Arabian judaism quite firmly. “In 518, when Ethiopian troops landed in Himyar, Dhu-Nuw,as’s forces soundly defeated the invaders. Flushed with success, he now saw himself as the champion of Arabian Jewry. It has been suggested by some scholars that Dhu-Nuwas’s ultimate objective was the creation of a Jewish empire stretching from Eretz Israel to Himyar.” – From Yosef Dhu Nuwas, a Sadducean King with Sidelocks Although Dhu Nuwas was eventually defeated, Pagan Arabia had been weakened, and the foundation was set for the judaising of Arabia. Jews had already infiltrated Arabia at all levels of society, from the leadership to the religious centers. This, in truth, is how islam was born. The jews pushed this Arabian-judaism on the population of Arabia. This is what they developed into islam, as we noted above in stating that the jews liften the Pagan Arabian religious elements such as “Al’Ilah” and the Lunar Calendar, and simply combined them with jewish religious practices and the jewish prophets, stories and the jewish “god”. This can clearly be seen in the glaring similarities between judaism and islam:–fighting-amongst-these-programs-is-all-a-facade.html Many historians also noted how the conquests which led to the spread of this new Arabian judaism later called islam was largely supported and funded by the jews who pushed the concept of a “messiah” destined to lead them in the efforts to instate this new religion. The “prophet Muhammad” was invented as a jewish messiah and symbol of these conquests that brainwashed fools could rally around, however, he never existed as a real person.–the-jewish-prophet.html Once Pagan Arabia had been weakened and the foundations had been laid, the conquests began which would establish the new religion of islam as the primary religion of the Eastern World. Conquestor Caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab was even said so have received a great deal of aid from the jews. A group of extremely wealthy jewish bankers funded military campaigns with the use of taxe,s which swept through the East, slaughtering thousands upon thousands of Pagan Gentiles and destroying thousands of Pagan sacred sites. Those individuals who had been judaised, brainwashed or simply bought out joined the armies of the conquests. Following these military conquests which left the land absolutely ravaged and weakened to the point at which the Pagan Gentiles were no longer able to fight back, islam was developed and put in place, the quran was written, and islam (Arabian-judaism) was enforced upon the region. A much more in depth article on the islamic conquests will be written shortly, displaying the severe brutality which they engaged in. This truly was a shocking string of events that saw so much blood shed throughout the Eastern World that places that still stand today are named with words that bare translations such as “Death Mountain”. The purpose of this article was to expose the jewish origins and foundations of islam, and how it was the jews that developed this program and funded its spread.

The Kaaba originally a PAGAN Temple!!!

The Kaaba is supposedly the centre of all religious importance in islam, their most sacred site, being the focus of the most sacred “islamic pilgrimiage”. How surprising, then, that this is actually in fact a PAGAN Temple built originally for the worship of Pagan Gods. It was said that the walls of the Kaaba were originally engraved with names and symbols of various Pagan Gods, including the God known by the title “AlÍlah”, who was the Mesopotamian Moon God Sin aka Nanna. His symbol was the crescent Moon and Star:
It is very clear where islam stole their “god” Allah from. In the Ancient Middle East, the title of “Al-Ilah” was bestowed upon the chief God of an area or tribe, and simply meant the supreme Deity. Lifting this, islam corrupted the concept and removed all Knowledge of the Pagan Gods, replacing it with their fictitious abrahamic spook. For more information on this in particular, see: Much of this is actually Allegorical, and has to do with Power Meditation and the Soul. The “Temple” represents the Soul. The designs of many Ancient Pagan Temples throughout the world were highly Alchemical in their designs, often being a physical representation of the Spiritual process of Enlightenment. The Kaaba is a cube shape. The cube represents the Soul, with its Four Pillars. So engarved upon the cube being the Names and Symbols of the Gods, means Meditation upon the Soul in order to achieve Enlightenment. One only needs to study Sacred Geometry and Alchemical Architecture to see this. Now, it is also stated in the quran that Muhammad discovered 360 Pagan idols within the Kaaba, which he proceeded to destroy. Again, this is highly Allegorical. From a numerological perspective, 360 adds up to the very important Occult number 9. 3+6+0= 9. 9 Is an important number Spiritually as it ties into the Magnum Opus or Spiritual Enlightenment. The all important 108, used most frequently in Meditation throughout the world and most notably in the Eastern Tantric Traditions, also adds up to 9. This has to do with the 7 Major Chakras along the Spine, plus the 2 Chakras located at the shoulders, which forms the “Cross” of the Soul. See:–stolen-spiritual-allegories-in-the-quran.html So, the “360” idols which were found within the Kaaba did not refer to literal statues, but rather to a Spiritual concept relating to the Soul, the Chakras and the attainment of Enlightenment. The idols within the Kaaba= the Soul and the Chakras. It was this Pagan sacred Knowledge that was destroyed by Muhammad. The following is an excerpt from a sermon written by High Priest Don Danko, titled “AUM Cosmology, Siva And The Kabaa”. This further illustrates the Pagan origins of the Kaaba “kabaa We can see in Mecca the Islamic’s holiest site of the Kaaba is originally a Siva Temple. As Danielou points out Mecca was created by Brahmana’s from India. Even the 786 in Arabic, symbol on the cover of the Koran is a reigned AUM symbol. In Sri Lanka there is a Temple called Kabaa-lishwaran and is Lord Siva. Meaning its an alchemical diagram [as all the temples are] to the great work. Such temples also have the black stone or Siva Lingam within them. The same as the black stone at the kabaa in Mecca which was once a larger Lingam stone before being cut into its current shape to hide its origin. In India they still go seven times around the Lingam. In Mecca they go seven times around the same. But Islam changed the direction of movement into the opposite. They still wear the white garments as in the Siva Temples. In India the pedestal of Brahma [originally another title of Siva in Indus Valley/ Vedic times as Danielou shows] Is octagonal in shape which represents the perfected soul the eight rays of light from the solar charka of which union the six pointed star of Siva represents at the navel region where the point down chakra merges with the point up of the sacral, one water the other fire. Hence Si [fire] Va [water]. And why the Blue God is shown in the solar chakra in many yantra’s. The pedestal at the center of the Kabaa: Maqam E-IBRAHIM is the same octagonal shape. Its at the center because the sun is the center of the soul and solar system. With the Kabaa the black cube represents the La the four elements that form into the material body being purified in the Tamos or black stage of the work into the Satva guna or White. Siva rules over this stage as well [as the other two of which the trine prongs on its trident denote]. As this destruction or dissolution stage brings Liberation of the Godhead. Where the tantra’s state the Jiva is turned into Siva. Or man into Godman. The false or profane ego is that of the gross elements and there conditioned accumulation of karmic properties. That is purified in the final dissolution. To the new or super conscious state [Jiva into Siva]. This has been symbolized in many different ways. In the Sayar-ul-okul . Which is considered the most important anthology written on the customs and culture of ancient Arabia. It states: “Va Ahlolaha Azaha Armiman Mahadev o Manazel I lamuddine Minjum Va Satyattaru!” Which translates to: “Even if once only he worships Mahadev. He can obtain the highest position in the path of righteousness.” Mahadev is a major title of Siva. And one will see the truth Siva was the God worshipped in Arabia before Islam was created by the enemy. We can see Islam along with Christianity is a fake religion” – High Priest Don Danko The Kaaba, black stone and the pilgrimage are all of Pagan origin. Islam stole this, like it stole everything else, before corrupting and twisting it. Islam is a LIE and a hoax!!

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Paedophilia and rape: rife and accepted within islam

Pedophilia and rape are common and accepted practices within the program of islam, displaying its true, life hating nature. The so-called “prophet” Muhammad (who is in fact a fictitious character) was said to have taken a six year old girl as his wife, forcing her into full intercourse at the young age of nine. He was supposed to have been well into his fifties at the time, and it is these teachings that have made it acceptable in muslim communities for men to marry and have intercourse with exceptionally young girls. Considering the fact that a child this young does not experience sexual desire and will not consent willingly to the intercourse (there have been cases where the young girl screams and resits until the man beats her into submission), it can be considered as rape, whether there is a certificate of marriage or not. Then, the question of what sane, self-respecting, decent individual would want to have intercourse with a little child and be aroused at the prospect has to be asked. This most certainly does not shine a very positive light upon islams fictitious “prophet” from the start, nor upon islam itself. Here are some shocking and disgusting examples of pedophilia and rape within islam: “Narrated ‘Ursa: The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with ‘Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death).” Sahih Bukhari Volume Seven, Book 62, Number 88. -the “prophet” himself. —————————————————————————————————————- “A man can quench his sexual lusts with a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate. Sodomizing the baby is halal (allowed by sharia). If the man penetrates and damages the child, then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however, does not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl’s sister. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven.” —————————————————————————————————————- “It is not illegal for an adult male to ‘thigh’ or enjoy a young girl who is still in the age of weaning; meaning to place his penis between her thighs, and to kiss her.” The age of “weaning” is still technically a baby. —————————————————————————————————————- “A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual acts such as foreplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed. A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not committed a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged.” – the fatwa issued by Ayatollah Khomeini Note: a fatwa is the name given to a written religious law or ruling by an islamic leader. —————————————————————————————————————- “SANAA, Yemen (CNN) — Nujood Ali is 10 years old, but she already has been married and divorced. It was an arranged marriage in which she said a husband three times her age routinely beat and raped her. “When I got married, I was afraid. I didn’t want to leave home. I wanted to stay with my brothers and sisters and my mom and dad,” she said, speaking to CNN with the permission of her parents. “I didn’t want to sleep with him, but he forced me to. He hit me, insulted me.” As she plays marbles with her brothers and sister, Nujood is a portrait of innocence, with a shy smile and a playful nature. But what happened evokes anger and shame. Asked if what she went through was torture, she nods quietly. Nujood’s parents married her off in February to a man in his 30s whom she describes as old and ugly. Her parents said they thought they were putting her in the care of her husband’s family, but Nujood said he would often beat her into submission.” —————————————————————————————————————- “The latest child-bride to make the news is a 12-year-old who died during a painful childbirth that also killed her baby. Fawziya Ammodi struggled for three days in labor, before dying of severe bleeding at a hospital on Friday, said the Seyaj Organization for the Protection of Children, a children’s rights group. “Although the cause of her death was lack of medical care, the real case was the lack of education in Yemen and the fact that child marriages keep happening,” said Seyaj President Ahmed al-Qureshi during an interview with CNN. Like more than half of all young Yemeni girls, Fawziya was forced to drop out of school and married off to a 24-year-old man last year.” -Another Child Bride dies, —————————————————————————————————————- “There were about 60 of them ….. And in the end 5 people raped Fenny. Before beginning with the raping they always said “Allahu Akbar” (an islamic phrase in arabic meaning “God is great”. They were ferocious and brutal.” —————————————————————————————————————- “In Huddersfield, Muslim men were telephoning young girls and threatening to burn down their homes if they did not meet them. The Mother of one of the raped children, said that she there many case’s of child rape by Muslims in Huddersfield and took reporters to meet some of the Mothers, all had the same experiences – multiple offences, and the police allowing Muslims to get away with it.” —————————————————————————————————————- “A Palestinian girl who was raped and impregnated by her two brothers was later murdered by her own mother – even though her daughter was the crime’s innocent victim – in another of the disturbingly common, if vastly underreported, instances of “honor killings.” ” here is the full story:;wap2 ———————————————————————————————————— “A GIRL of 15 was tricked into a “telephone marriage” ceremony to a Sheffield man with a mental age of five in a ceremony recognised by sharia (Islamic law). When the girl arrived from Pakistan expecting to meet the handsome man she had been shown in a photograph, she found that he was 40 years old, unemployed and disabled. To make matters worse, her mother-in-law decided to exploit her attractive looks by forcing her into prostitution. The family invited men to the family home to rape her before she managed to escape to the police by bolting through the front door. She was taken into care and now lives in a refuge.” —————————————————————————————————————- “During the Islamic ceremony my dad was standing behind me with one hand on my shoulder and with his other hand he had a gun which was pointed at my back so that I didn’t say ‘no’,” Saamiya said. “To everyone else it looked natural — he was just standing there stroking my shoulder — but just before he had told me that he would shoot me if I didn’t go through with it.” —————————————————————————————————————- “LONDON (Reuters) – A Kurdish woman was brutally raped, stamped on and strangled by members of her family and their friends in an “honor killing” carried out at her London home because she had fallen in love with the wrong man. Banaz Mahmod, 20, was subjected to the 2-1/2 hour ordeal before she was garroted with a bootlace. Her body was stuffed into a suitcase and taken about 100 miles to Birm More..ingham where it was buried in the back garden of a house.” the full story: —————————————————————————————————————- There are many, many more examples of this. All of it, solely thanks to islam and its vile teachings. This is a truly, completely and fully life hating and disgusting to the core program. It is a disease inflicting humanity. Pedophilia and rape are a common theme throughout the enemy religions. That itself says a lot. We must fight with all we can in order to bring these horrendous lies down. *I want to add here, this behaviour is NOT natural to the Gentile People which islam is forced upon today. These behaviours have always been natural to the jews, from which the sick and perverted lie of islam stems. The Minds and Souls of the Gentile People have been corrupted and dirtied by these sick lies, and acts such as paedophilia and rape are results of this Spiritual Degeneration. It HAS to stop! Islam is a LIE and a viscous, dangerous HOAX on humanity!