Thursday, 27 August 2015
Communism is the Jewish political twin of Christianity. On the other hand, Christianity of any persuasion cannot be reconciled with true National Socialism.
National Socialism is Satanism's political twin. During the time of Hitler and the Nazis, "Satanism" was called "Paganism." Back then, it was rare that Satanism was called Satanism, due to the power the Christian Churches held back then.
Everything in the Christian faith is at odds with Nazism, as Nazism follows Nature's Eternal Laws [Satan's Laws], while Christianity follows a totally unnatural form of government and useless pseudo-metaphysics. Everything that the Christian religion believes to be "spiritual" is simply pure Jewish materialism without anything spiritual about it. Like Communism, Christianity was the Jewish tool used by the Jews to remove all true spirituality.
There are a few deluded idiots who cannot see this, but the plain, unpainted truth is that Communism/Marxism/Bolshevism and Christianity are inseparable. One doesn't have to believe in Christ to be a Christian at heart, just like one doesn't have to be an active member of the Communist Party to be a good Communist. Those people who find it easier to gravitate towards Communism are more prone to Christianity and Christian principles, rather than of National Socialism, which is of Satan.
National Socialism isn't anything new, nor was it merely an invention of the 20th Century C.E. It is of Satan and the Powers of Hell [ORION/ARYAN]. Nazism is as old as ancient pre-Christian Paganism itself, as it is the government of Nature and her infinite wisdom. As High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has noted, "Satanism" is a collective label for the Gentle pre-Christian Pagan religions, and that Christianity is therefore, a reaction to Satanism. In more recent events of Gentile history, it was Adolf Hitler who resurrected the politics and the spirit of Nordic/Aryan Paganism, which is thousands upon thousands of years older than Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and is today known as Satanism.
With the quotes listed below, you will see that there is no such thing as an "Aryan Christianity," nor is there any such thing as a Satanism that tolerates the Jews in any way, as Jews and Gentiles have ALWAYS been cosmic enemies, and it's either us or them in this war. A "Satanist" who has any tolerance towards the Jews is like a "Satanist" adores the Pentecostal Church. You cannot mix water with electricity without a hazard; hence why Satan has a zero-tolerance policy towards the Chosen of "God."
All of the quotes used in this sermon come from the book The Swastika Against the Cross by Bruce Walker. My words are in brackets.
"The political victory can only follow if the fight is concentrated against the fewest possible enemies -- for the time being, the Marxists and the Jews. Then will come the Reaktion, and the end of that will mean the end of the Christian Church... Whether it's the Old Testament or the New, or simply the sayings of's all the same Jewish swindle... We are not out against the hundred and one different kinds of Christianity, but against Christianity itself." -- Adolf Hitler
"Jesus Christ was only a man, and a Jew to boot. Why shouldn't I, who am more powerful than Christ, and who am able to be much more helpful than he -- why shouldn't I have the right to establish a new dogma for the Church?" "I must, therefore, eliminate any kind of sickness, and I consider the sentimental feeling for Christianity as a kind of mental sickness." -- Adolf Hitler
"Nazis in general considered Christianity a "soul malady," "foreign" [alien], and "unnatural." Heinrich Himmler despised Christianity and members of the SS had to renounce their Christian faith and formally become agnostic in order to become a member of the Schutzstaffel. Himmler wrote: "How different is yon Pale Figure on the Cross, whose passivity and emphasized suffering expressed only humility and self-abnegation, qualities which our heroic blood utterly deny... The corruption of our blood by the intrusion of this alien philosophy must be ended."
"The Judenfibel, a schoolbook filled with hatred towards Jews which was used to teach in Nazified German schools, not only attacks Jews, but states: "The teaching of mercy and love for one's neighbor is foreign to the German race and the Sermon on the Mount is, according to Nordic sentiment, an ethic for cowards and idiots." "Hatred of Jews and hatred of Christians went hand in hand with the Nazis... Nordland, a Nazi magazine, called the Sermon on the Mount "the first Bolshevist manifesto."
[The Nazis also committed the "unpardonable sin" against the Christian religion: the denial of the "holy ghost." They viewed Christianity of any and all denominations as being just as much of the enemy as Judaism itself].
"University Nazis in Keil wrote in 1935: "We Germans are heathens and want no more Jewish religion in our Germany. We no longer believe in the Holy Ghost; we believe in the Holy Blood."
[Gentiles carry Satan's sacred bloodline that must be preserved. This is an important part of Satanism for each Gentile race].
"Nazis published books with names like "Jesus Never Lived" and pamphlets that said "If Jehovah has lost all meaning for us Germans, the same must be said of Jesus Christ, his son... He certainly lacks those characteristics which he would require to be a true German. Indeed, he is as disappointing, if we read his record careful, as is his father."
"Jacob Marcus in his 1934 book by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations notes that "Though his parents were Catholics, Hitler himself has apparently no interest in any organized religion"... Marcus also has an entire section in his book about Nazi "anti-Christian anti-Semitisim" which points out (as many other authors did) that hatred of Jews and of Christians were inseparably linked..."
"I insist on the certainty that sooner or later, once we hold power, Christianity will be overcome. Of course, I myself am a heathen to the bone." -- Adolf Hitler
"In 1940, M.W. Fodor, in his book, The Revolution is On! writes that "National Socialism also revived the persecution of the churches, surpassing all other revolutions in its anti-clerical attitude. The 'godless' in Russia have enormous organization, but there were only a few instances of organized violation of the sanctity of the churches. In Germany not only Christians but Christianity is being persecuted."
[So-called "Positive Christianity" was a means to an end of Christianity. The removal of the crucifix and the removal of the name "Christ" from everything, as well as the restrictions against Christian worship, in favor of Wotan/Odin/Satan and his Demons/the Nordic Gods is hardly Christian. "Positive Christianity" was a TEMPORARY program to ween the Germans off of Christianity altogether and return to the natural ways of Paganism [as has been written about by Catholic and Christian priests during the 1930's to 1940's], which today is called Satanism. The Swastika, the oldest solar symbol of the Aryan Pagan tribes, replaced the Nazarene's cross, which marks a Jewish religion that is less than 1,000 years old.
The Catholic Church, which is the Jewish seed of the Christian faith, dealt constant blows from the Nazis. However, since the Nazis hated Christianity altogether, the Protestants were beaten down just as hard. The Nazi Party chose certain members to pretend to be Christians for a time in the Christian Churches in order to have the Gestapo arrest as many real Christians as possible].
"What happened to Catholics happened to Protestants: The Deutsche Christen, or "German Christian" movement sponsored by the Nazis to oppress real Christianity, as Power wrote concerning early 1933: "Not long later the state seized the opportunity to appoint a Dr. Jaeger, a fervent follower of the Deutsche Christen, as head of the Evangelical Church in Prussia 'to restore order.' This he did by importing numbers of secret police and arresting a number of pastors." "In Prussia, the largest state by far in Germany, the Nazi response to serious Christians was almost from the beginning to call in the Gestapo."
"What sorts of things did Christian clergy endure early in the Nazi regime? In 1935, Schuster wrote: "Recourse was had to a veritable reign of terror, the history of which cannot yet be written. Throughout Germany, orthodox pastors and their congregations were harassed by secret police and bands of S.A. Even funeral processions were broken up, and violence was witnessed even in the very houses of worship."
"Black wrote that: "...The Reich has not limited its anti-Christianity to official pronouncements. Schools, hospitals, and other institutions of the Church are being confiscated; a 'religious' instruction based on Germanic neo-paganism is being introduced; and the elimination of Christian influence from the education of the youth, and from the cultural life of the German people is continuing apace. In February 1936, nearly all the leaders of the Catholic Young Men's Association of Germany were arrested on the charge of having organized in cooperation with the Communist Party a secret plot against Hitler."
[Adolf Hitler was Pagan/Satanic; NOT "Christian!" The reason why some confused individuals have come to the conclusion that Hitler was a "Christian" is because if the Nazis hadn't hidden the information about their actions against Christianity to the outside world, nor paid occasional "lip service" to Christianity, which was more powerful at that time than it is now, their foreign relations would have been greatly jeopardized. Being against the Jews is not "Christian" by any stretch of the imagination, and this scares the life out of some people who think they are "Satanists" but sympathize with the Jews.
The Christian Bible is filled with hatred towards non-Jews and it contains dire warnings against "persecuting" [extracting justice from] the Chosen of "God." The Jews who play both sides to everything imaginable, work to confuse the "Goyim" in every possible way. The Jews who pretend to be "victims" of Christianity are a prime example of playing the the role of victim of the very kosher institutions that they created in the first place. On the other side, other Jews will admit that so-called "anti-Semitism" is against Christ and his kike scumbag teachings].
"On November 4, 1936, the Nazis ordered the removal of crucifixes from schools in the Oldenburg area on the grounds that these were "symbols of superstition." This order was rescinded only after Nazis were faced with determined local opposition. Then, in what would become a typical practice, despite rescinding the Nazi prohibition of these "symbols of superstition," in December 1936 Nazi bureaucrats simply removed crucifixes anyway in Munsterland. When Christians replaced them in some schools, they were arrested by the Nazis."
"...Nazis smeared excrement on church altars and church doors, desecrated shrines, and threw statues of saints into dung piles; and when synagogues were not available to attack and loot, churches were often the target with Nazis yelling: "Down with Christians and Jews!"
[For the record, the Nazis didn't only attack the Christian Churches, but the whole Christian religion from top to bottom. For Christian Identity people out there who don't believe in "Judeo-Christianity" but a Christianity that is separated from the "Judeo," you will be in for a rude awakening when the Fourth Reich is established. As I have repeated many times in this sermon, the Nazis were against Christianity itself, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to de-Judaify Christianity].
"What sort of things did the Hitlerjugend teach about Christianity? Power reports that the lines handed out to Hitler Youth teaches which he saw included: "Christianity is a religion of slaves and fools." "How did Christ die? Whining at the Cross!" "The Ten Commandments represent the lowest instincts of man," and "Christianity is merely a cloak for Judaism."
[In closing, the facts contained in that last quote fly in the face of the anti-Nazi zealots who try to say that the Nazis taught the Hitler Youth to "hate the Jews for killing Christ."
Since being against the Jews comes from Satan, their Adversary, what does the Christian "God" have to say about the Jews?
"For you are a people holy to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you [Jews] to be a people for his own possession, out of all the peoples that are on the face of the earth" (Deuteronomy 7:6).
"For the LORD's portion is his people [Jews], Jacob his allotted heritage. He found him in a desert land, and in the howling waste of the wilderness; he encircled him, he cared for him, he kept him as the apple of his eye" (Deuteronomy 32:9-10).
"For thus said the LORD of hosts...he who touches you [kikes] touches the apple of [my] eye" (Zecharia 2:8).
[Christ speaking]: "Salvation is from the Jews" (Matthew 4:22).
The "God" of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam is beyond any doubt a Jewish supremacist, and hatred towards and the desire for vengeance from the Jews only come natural to the Satanist who is indeed a real Satanist].
Reference: The Swastika Against the Cross by Bruce Walker
Informative Links:
Primordial Buddhism sermon by High Priest Don Danko/Mageson discusses the connection between Odin and Satan. Go to the Joy of Satan Newsletter page and type in "Primordial Buddhism" and you will find it in the archive.
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